Sensitive skin is a rosy color, soft to the touch, fragile, and generally dry. It reacts to any stimulus, high or low temperatures, and it is prone to redness, flaking and peeling. There is a high risk of suffering from dermatitis and/or numerous allergies. In order to treat this delicate type of skin, LEIM has produced a basic line of products, characterised primarily by their hypoallergenic properties.

Una piel sensible presenta un color rosado, es suave al tacto, frágil y generalmente seca. Reacciona sensiblemente a cualquier estímulo, le afectan las altas y bajas temperaturas, es propensa a rojeces, prurito, escozor y descamación, y está sometida a un alto riesgo de dermatitis y alergias.
Para el tratamiento de este delicado tipo de piel, LEIM ha elaborado una nueva línea de productos caracterizados por sus propiedades anti-flogísticas y anti-alérgicas, NUAGES.

Nauges Day Cream
Nauges Day Cream
How does Nuagues affect your skin? · Hypoallergenic properties: provided by a wide range of active ingredients that are suitable for a sensitive and allergic skin. · Reparative effect: due to the passage of time and to the action of diverse external agents on the skin, it is affected daily. Thanks to the Reparative Complex, the skin recovers its loss of brightness, and active ingredients help to repair damaged DNA. · Regenerating effect: thanks to the specific combination of active ingredients, such as vitamins and minerals, the skin rejuvenates and regenerates itself.   ¿CÓMO ACTÚA NUAGES SOBRE TU PIEL? · Efecto Anti-Alérgico: proporcionado por un amplio abanico de principios activos como el (+), (-), æ Bisabolol, Extracto de Avena y Extracto de Hamamelis, idóneos para una piel sensible y reactiva. · Acción Reparadora: el paso del tiempo y la acción de múltiples agentes externos agreden nuestra piel, dañando el ADN; el Complejo Reparador contenido en nuestras formulaciones, lo repara, recuperando la luminosidad y lozanía perdidas.
· Efecto Regenerador: gracias a la completa conjunción de principios activos tales como, Prótidos, Glúcidos, Sales Minerales, Oligoelementos,Vitaminas(B1,B2,PP,B5,B6,D,E), la piel rejuvenece, se regenera. · Propiedad es Antiflogísticas: debido a su contenido en Azuleno.
not rated $54.00 Add to cart
Nauges Repair Serum
Nauges Repair Serum
How does Nuagues affect your skin? · Hypoallergenic properties: provided by a wide range of active ingredients that are suitable for a sensitive and allergic skin. · Reparative effect: due to the passage of time and to the action of diverse external agents on the skin, it is affected daily. Thanks to the Reparative Complex, the skin recovers its loss of brightness, and active ingredients help to repair damaged DNA. · Regenerating effect: thanks to the specific combination of active ingredients, such as vitamins and minerals, the skin rejuvenates and regenerates itself.
not rated $56.00 Add to cart
Naugues Sensitive Skin Cleaning Milk
Naugues Sensitive Skin Cleaning Milk
How does Nuagues affect your skin? · Hypoallergenic properties: provided by a wide range of active ingredients that are suitable for a sensitive and allergic skin. · Reparative effect: due to the passage of time and to the action of diverse external agents on the skin, it is affected daily. Thanks to the Reparative Complex, the skin recovers its loss of brightness, and active ingredients help to repair damaged DNA. · Regenerating effect: thanks to the specific combination of active ingredients, such as vitamins and minerals, the skin rejuvenates and regenerates itself.   ¿Cómo actúa Nuages sobre tu piel? · Efecto Anti-Alérgico: proporcionado por un amplio abanico de principios activos como el (+), (-), æ Bisabolol, Extracto de Avena y Extracto de Hamamelis, idóneos para una piel sensible y reactiva. · Acción Reparadora: el paso del tiempo y la acción de múltiples agentes externos agreden nuestra piel, dañando el ADN; el Complejo Reparador contenido en nuestras formulaciones, lo repara, recuperando la luminosidad y lozanía perdidas.
· Efecto Regenerador: gracias a la completa conjunción de principios activos tales como, Prótidos, Glúcidos, Sales Minerales, Oligoelementos,Vitaminas(B1,B2,PP,B5,B6,D,E), la piel rejuvenece, se regenera. · Propiedad es Antiflogísticas: debido a su contenido en Azuleno.
not rated $51.00 Read more
Lotion Sensative
Nuages Lotion
How does Nuagues affect your skin? · Hypoallergenic properties: provided by a wide range of active ingredients that are suitable for a sensitive and allergic skin. · Reparative effect: due to the passage of time and to the action of diverse external agents on the skin, it is affected daily. Thanks to the Reparative Complex, the skin recovers its loss of brightness, and active ingredients help to repair damaged DNA. · Regenerating effect: thanks to the specific combination of active ingredients, such as vitamins and minerals, the skin rejuvenates and regenerates itself.
not rated $54.00 Add to cart
Sale! Oligopeptides Serum
Oligopeptides Serum
Este serum además de Peptidos contiene 7 poderosos extractos de plantas con propiedades Hidratantes, Calmantes, Emolientes, descongestivas, antioxidante y reguladores de la pérdida transepidermica de agua que restauran y estimulan la regeneración celular suavizando la líneas de expresión y evitando la perdida de firmeza en la piel.
not rated $40.00 Add to cart